Wednesday, March 26, 2014

the open road

The warm(ish) winds and sunny skies of springtime were practically begging me to go on a road trip. So the opportunity to join my co-worker and friend, Kelsey, on a multi-state journey to celebrate the wedding of another co-worker and friend was not something I could pass up. 

We dubbed our mileage and minutes #boldadventures, a theme inspired by the fortune pictured above from my meal the day before we left town. We shared many laughs (particularly my rendition of Hanson's 'Mmmbop'), tender moments, and new experiences along the way.

While we observed many interesting sights from our car windows, the final destination of our journey was Oklamhoma. Our site-seeing included the National Weather Center (I am a bit of a radar geek), Oklahoma University, and the Oklahoma City National Memorial. It was a striking visual representation of the  instanteous change which took place at 9:02 am that fateful April morning in 1995. 

The obvious highlight of the trip was the blessed union of our dear Betsy and Scott. It was such a treat to celebrate their love with friends and family, rejoicing in the special gift God has giving us through the practice of marriage. A favorite moment of mine was when guests had the opportunity to lay hands on the couple in prayer, commissioning them onward in the quest of Kingdom loving and living. 

The people, the scenery, and the memories of the open road are what makes a trip successful. And this journey was a reminder to me that sometimes you just need to get away, out of your comfort zone, and do something different. Springtime is a season of new life, fresh opportunity, and bold adventures. Embrace it! 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

the west is best

An abbreviated photo journal from a recent trip westward to visit my brother Michael.

1. Dave and I skiing in Vail.  
A BIG thanks to sweet Sunny for the passes!!  And to Emily for the ski gear...
def helped me look somewhat ligit.
2. Sunday brunch with the siblings and Uncle John and Aunt Patty at Mercury Cafe.  
Such a hip spot.  We loved the sweet and savory options, as well as the live jazz improv pianist.
3. Michael and Dave at the farm.  
We fed some pigs, visited with the horses, checked out the bees and fish and watched the elementary school field trip kids learn about worms.
4.  Eating wild game at The Buckhorn Exchange, Denver's original steakhouse. 
Where else can you get elk, duck, yak, buffalo and more?!

Not pictured:
Sherpa House in Golden, CO.  Hands down best Chai...possibly ever!?
Spot bike test drive
Beignets for brunch at Lucile's 
And so, so, SO much more!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

penitent & contrite hearts

Today ushers in a special season in the church calendar, Lent. For many, regardless of affiliation or denomination, it is the annual opportunity taken to focus our hearts, submit ourselves more fully to God's calling, and to deny ourselves things that could pose a hindrance to our self-examination and repentance. As you consider the urging of the Holy Spirit, take a moment, an hour, a day, or a weekend, to separate yourself from the mumblings of the world. Turn you eyes and hearts to readings (such as the excerpt below from The Book of Common Prayer), prayers, music, and/or nature. Listen closely for the whispers of truth that will come your way, and prepare your soul for the transformative power of reflection and silence. 

'Let us pray.

Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing you have made and forgive the sins of all who are penitent: Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily
lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return. '

The Book of Common Prayer