Thursday, April 26, 2012

{down to} earth

April 22nd brought cool winds and overcast skies to Nashville, but even that unseasonable forecast couldn't squelch our Earth Day celebration! We dug to the bottom of our closets for winter sweaters, bundled up and headed out to join Centennial Park's Earth Day festivities.  A nice crowd of fellow earth lovers were already enjoying the day and out in droves to play frisbee, enjoy the food stands, listen to great live music, watch performances, participate in hands on activities and educate themselves on all things earthy.

We really enjoyed feature performances by Nyamba Drum Ensemble from the Global Education Center and The Farewell Drifters.  We ended the day with a brisk walk around the booths and farewell discussion about the small ways we can help to give our Mother Earth some love:
  • use re-usable grocery bags or if you take bags from the store, be sure to re-use those plastic or paper bags
  • re-use grocery item or take out containers to store odds and ends, food, crafts..anything!
  • walk or bike instead of always grabbing those car keys
  • have fun and be creative in ways you can reduce, reuse or recycle

Thursday, April 19, 2012


Now on Twitter @lunchboxbuds

Join us for a progressive night of exceedingly good goodness with the girls.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

just another {thurs}day

Reunited and it feels so good.

What you may not have known last week was that Sarah was flying solo in the blogosphere. In the spirit of celebrating with family, I was in Manchester engaging in birthday festivities for my mom. That means that today marked TWO weeks since Sarah and I had sat down together to chat, share, and blog it up. 

We decided to simply enjoy one another while participating in some exceedingly good local activities. First we walked to Local Taco for a dinner out on the patio. This was my first trip to Local Taco, but I found it easy to customize their menu to fit my taste preferences {plain chicken taco, please... no really. plain.}

After feeding our face we fed our souls at the McCabe Community Center by catching Gentle Yoga with Robin {if you have the means, we highly recommend it!}. Per her usual, Robin delivered an effective balance of stretching and relaxation, with the grand finale of the Gentle Shoulder Press {aka "the healing touch"}. We love her kind demeanor and lavender scented aromatherapy oil. And for only $3 a class, 
this deal gets two thumbs way up.

For us, Thursdays like this are a relaxing end to a typically busy week and a jump start to the weekend ahead.  

Thursday, April 5, 2012

egg{stra} fun

Last week, I recalled an old elementary school memory that I hadn't thought about in years. We were asked to go to several classrooms of younger students and share an activity that represents our family's culture. I went home with brainstorms of Ojo de Dios or homemade tortillas. Instead, Mom rocked my world with cascarones*
Cascarones are confetti filled eggs crushed over someone's head during a celebration to offer good luck. They are fun to make and eggstra fun to use! Click HERE for you recipe'o'fun. Consider making and sharing with your family this Easter.