Thursday, October 11, 2012

I'll stop insisting that the world's on fire...

{tucked in the corner of a cozy Nashville coffee shop, the Lunchbox Buddies take a few minutes to highlight an exceedingly good solo project that hits close to the heart}

Allison: Thanks so much for joining me tonight, Sarah. I'm really excited to hear about (an) EP by Dead Works. Let's start at the beginning, who is exactly is "Dead Works?"

Sarah: Oh, it's so good to be here.  Thanks for having me.  Dead Works is the first solo venture of my sweet husband, Dave Warren (dw).  Pretty stoked to share about this 5-song body of work.

Allison: Wait. So you are telling me that Dead Works = Dave Warren? I know that he plays the piano, but there were definitely multiple instruments on the tracks... 

Sarah: Haha, yep, this was a one-man labor of love.  He sang vocals and played his Wurlitzer, but, you're right.  There are def more instruments layered on those tracks.  One of my favorite things about the sound of this project is the texture of sound from all those layers.  He was able to engineer the remaining sounds.  He actually studied Songwriting and Engineering/Production at Berklee College of Music in Boston.  It was neat to see him use some of those skills with this project from start to finish.

Allison: I also see dw is adding the special touch of hand-written liner notes and customized album covers to the records. What's that about? And, why vinyl? 

Sarah:  It's vinyl, man.  dw is a total analog guy.  He has a tube amp for his Wurli and is just really into high quality sound.  Vinyl is his preferred medium.  If he could have cut this album on a tape machine, he would have.  As is, he recorded digitally, but had his mixes run through tape.   And the customization just fit the whole feel of this project.  Real home spun.  I love the idea of being able to offer friends such a personalized gift.

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