Thursday, February 21, 2013

{habit}ual love

21 habit-forming days of random acts of love later...

Two of the most pleasant surprises have been:
1.  Generosity is absolutely contagious!  
2.  Once your eyes are open to looking for creative ways to love those around you, you are also more in tune to the many {often overlooked} ways others do this for you.

My favorite surprise happened early on.  One of the first random acts of love was to send some letters to far-away friends.  Literally two days after mailing my first letter, I received my very own letter from an un-related friend who I've never had written correspondance with!  Encountering the many ways I am the recipient of other's love helped fuel my continued participation in this challenge.   

As we round into the home stretch, we are planning the mother of all random acts of love.  
Stay tuned for our grand finale love bomb*

1 comment:

  1. Those Jeni's ice creams were my very own love bomb...thank you for sharing joy and love with your big sis, Sarah. You have such light to give...I love you til the kitchen sinks. xo
