Thursday, April 18, 2013

9 to 5

Theodore Roosevelt said, "Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."  Ideally, your definition of "work worth doing" will lead you to an environment of like-inspired individuals.  Finding comfort in this commonality while believing in the strength of your differences fosters community in the workplace.   

Intentional community here begins by investing in getting to know "who" someone is beyond the office.  It is easy to focus on the initial apparent variances between you and co-workers, so learning more about an individual allows for more opportunities to discover commonalities.  Often a strong commonality will allow you to celebrate those apparent distinctions, that before seemed defining and limiting.  The Lunchbox Buddies are grateful for the shared sense of humor that brought us together and the many kindred connections that link us to co-workers.       

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