Wednesday, March 20, 2013

hope floats

“Beginnings are usually scary and endings are usually sad, but it’s the middle that counts. You have to remember this when you find yourself at the beginning.” 
― Sandra Bullock as Birdee Pruitt

Some projects you can knock out over an afternoon.  Some require a little more time.  And then there are those that you jump into before realizing they are going to require a daunting amount of time.  What began as a girlish whim (who hasn't wanted to build her own doll house at one point in their late 20s?!) has turned into the latter.  I spent several months dreaming of furnishing a doll house with handmade wares made out of re-purposed items. Think The Borrowers meets shabby chic!  Step one would be "throwing" together the doll house.  Step two would be the fun of furnishing the fantastical home.  Well, wow.  Apparently you don't just snap together parts to build the house.  As I emptied the box of raw supplies, I felt like a bucket of cold water had been poured on my enthusiasm.  Was this project really going to require mortar?  Really?!  

Thankfully this labor of love is turning into a neighborhood affair.  I've got several friends living nearby who have offered use of their tools, time and energy!  Looking forward to share the progress of this scary beginning.

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