Thursday, August 22, 2013

something borrowed, something {true} blue

In a previous post here, the Lunchbox Buddies celebrated those unique friendships which are "measured by how long into the future you can look back at the photos...and replay the adventures and the laughter in your head; still feeling like it was one of the "bestest" times of your life."
Well, I am blessed to have a true blue friend who twelve years later
(, our friendship is totally entering middle school?!!)
I can literally
read through old notes passed (I think we single- handedly kept the campus mailman employed),
look at printed pictures taken (because disposable cameras were still a thing),
replay memories made (ummm, like the time our car broke down...and we waited for-ev-er for the tow truck in some serious Alabama heat...and then the kind mechanic shared that the only problem was that cars tend to need gas to run...)
and be humbled beyond belief for the laughter, tears and love. 
Above is a picture of Nat and I eight years ago at my wedding.  There we are, frozen in time, as bright-eyed 21-year-olds ready to take on the world.  I was getting hitched and moving to Boston; she was entering grad school and heading to Denver.  We had met four years earlier as Freshmen at Samford in Birmingham, AL.  So much transpired from that first meeting to this picture.  We were stretched as indivdiuals and as friends.  And so much as happened from this picture to now.

I had Nat by my side on my special day and I was grateful for the opportnity to be there by her side last weekend cheering her on at her own very special wedding ceremony.  When I confirmed my RSVP, Nat's one request was that I make a gift rather than buying one.  The pair of canvases above were crafted for the occasion.  His and Her bookends with corresponding zodiac constellations imprinted with the beautiful lyrics from Dire Straits Romeo and Juliet:
on the left, HIS (Virgo)
A lovestruck Romeo sings the streets a serenade
Laying everybody low with a lovesong that he made
Finds a streetlight steps out of the shade
Says something like you and me babe how about it?
on the right, HERS (TAURUS)
You said I love you like the stars above, I'll love you till I die
And since I didn't include a card in my gift, I hope this post suffices as a little glimpse into the depth of my gratitude for you, true-blue Nat.

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