Thursday, August 15, 2013

take-out thursday

 The last few weeks have been banana-grams for Sarah and I. We have both been on trips, me to California and Say to Fall Creek Falls (post about that trip in weeks to come!) and have had very busy work schedules. And while we have passed each other in the hallway and exchanged the occasional text message, we haven't really had a chance to just sit down and catch up about not only what has been filling the hours of our days, but also the spaces in our hearts and minds.
So that is what the last two Thursday nights have been for us. Journeys of faith, challenging decisions, and exciting revelations have filled our moments together as we have let friendship simply happen in our midst and be manifested through our actions. The best things in life don't have to be forced. So whether it's an evening spent checking out a new coffee shop, walking around a college campus sharing sentimental memories, or chowing down on some take-out food, our hope is that the you and those closest to you take a step back from the hectic day to day and take notice of the exceedingly good things and people around you.

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