Thursday, September 12, 2013

What the scrap?!

Well, folks, Summer 2013 is coming to a close. Seriously?!?! Some moments I just can't believe it!
 Just yesterday it seemed like we were bringing out the shorts and tank tops, planning the weekend canoe trips (that one is for Sarah, obviously) and thinking about how we could take advantage of every drop of sunshine these middle months had to offer. And just like the summer season is winding down, so is my 2012 scrapbooking project. The photos have been assembled, the mementoes organized by date, and the handmade elements are almost complete.
As I journeyed through the memories of last year, I couldn't help but see how busy the late summer/early fall time of year was in 2012 and still is in 2013. The picture above gives you just a glimpse of what the Lunchbox Buddies were up to a mere year ago, taking in the sights (*ahem, baseball pants) of the local minor league team, catching some legit tunes at LOTG, and tapping into our theatrical side with Nashville Shakes and a trip to TPAC. And this year is proving to be no different, and that is just the way we like it. Full of laugher, full of activities, full of connection, and full of life. Sarah and I can't wait to share with you what the next few weeks holds for us and hope that your moments of reflection about how you spend your time are as exceedingly good as ours.

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