Thursday, May 1, 2014

weekend happenings

The forecast for this weekend looks beautiful and is sure to get Nashvillians out and about.  If you are looking to enjoy the weather and stretch your legs, check out the 43rd Annual TN Craft Fair at Centennial Park or Sevier Park's Street Fest.  If you are interested in stretching your mind, boy, are you in for a treat...

Wendell Berry is coming to Nashville!  Philosopher, poet, activist and farmer are just a handful of the descriptors used for the accomplished Berry.  His thought-provoking writings continue to challenge and engage his readers.  Coverage through The Tennessean and Nashville Scene highlight the extreme honor of having Berry's presence at Siloam Family Health Center's fundraiser event, as he rarely travels outside his Kentucky farm for public engagements.  
He and friend Norman Wirzba, Duke Divinity theology professor, will discuss "What Makes a Health Community?" on Friday, May 2nd at 7 pm at Montgomery Bell Academy.   Tickets are $75-$100 and proceeds from this event help fund the continued work of Siloam, a faith-based clinic for Nashville's uninsured.

On Saturday morning at 8:30 am, Berry and Wirzba will dig into "Food and Faith: A Matter of Health and Wholeness" at St. George's.  This discussion will be free to the public.  

“Agriculture must mediate between nature and the human community, with ties and obligations in both directions.” 
― Wendell BerryBringing it to the Table: Writings on Farming and Food

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

a wickedly good time

Attending a showing if the bit Broadway musical 'Wicked' with my dear friend Bethany has been a long time coming. It was at the top of our list when we ventured to New York City in December of last year, but seeing it performed in the Big Apple just wasn't in the cards for us. Which meant that we were elated to find out that the award winning show would be making it's way down to Nashville this spring. 

From start to finish, Wicked lived up to every bit of the hype. Clever (and funnier than anticipated) writing, creative staging and  costumes, and stunning vocal performances proved to us that this show is every bit as amazing as we had been hearing about all theses years. It was such a treat to take an evening to enjoy the arts and one of the many awesome events that Nashville has had to offer this month. Two thumbs way up for Wicked and for friendship! 

Thursday, April 17, 2014

east meets south

This past Saturday, I attended one of the many local events going on around town this month. Nashville's Japanese Cherry Blossom Festival highlights Japanese culture, as well as an initiative to plant 100 cherry trees across Nashville's parks, public areas and neighborhoods each year over a 10 year span.  

I participated in the 2.5 mile festival-kick-off walk, listened to the drumming of the Houston-based Kaminari Taiko ensemble, cheered on local martial arts demonstrators, perused vendor booths and enjoyed seeing festival participants adorned in traditional Japanese attire juxtaposed with those sporting modern Japanime costumes.

It was a wonderful morning joining in on the sixth annual celebration of Nashville's Cherry Blossom Festival and who knows...maybe next year I will sport a harajuku costume!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

april showers bring may flowers

April is a busy time.  The movement can be felt everywhere.  That is what spring is: movement.  You can see the trees beginning to bud.  Flowers start to open.  More folks are out walking, biking and jogging.  Everyone and everything is waking up from a nice winter's nap.

The Lunchbox Buddies are excited to shake off the slothfulness of winter and participate in the many city-wide community events that Nashville is offering during this month of seasonal transition.  A neighborhood-specific community event that has marked my last three Aprils is the kickoff of our Funny Hill garden.

We've worked to turn the soil and repair some of the bed structures.  Naturally things decay or get overrun when they are left to their own devices for seasons of rest.  But that is the cycle, to rest and then to work. I like that my body and spirit respond to the activity, to the work, with gratitude.

As we enter this busy season of activity, be constructive with your time .  Put energy into trying new things, getting outside to explore, to read new books and think new ideas.  Go ahead and savor the movement and anticipate the enjoyment you will have in reaping your figurative or literal harvest. 

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

spring fever

This month has been dubbed AWESOME APRIL by VisitMusicCity.Com, and, when you take a look at the comprehensive list of events taking place, it is easy to see why. With categories ranging from musical happenings to sporting events, Nashville is bound to have a little something for everyone over the next few weeks.

Sarah and I have 12 years of Nash Vegas living between us, and we have been blessed to enjoy many of the sights and sounds of this great city. Both as The Lunchbox Buddies and as individuals, we have have had great experiences and would highly recommend many of these Awesome April events to you, including: Ryman Auditorium, Record Store Day, Nashville Sounds, Cheekwood Botanical Gardens, and the Nashville Predators.

With the blue skies and sunshine of springtime upon us, there's no excuse for not taking advantage of some of these great opportunities.

Nashville Cherry Blossom Festival is one option for how to spend your day on Saturday the 12th. The festival's website says describes it as "a celebration of spring and friendship between Japan and America occasioned by the blossoming cherry trees," and explains that the goal is to place 1,000 cherry trees throughout Nashville over the next 10 years! This day long event will include demonstrations, foods, and crafts for individuals and families to enjoy.

The Seventh Annual Iron Fork is being held Wednesday, April 16th.  This tasty event helps raise funds for Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee.  Attendees get to sample cocktails and cuisine from over 20 of Nashville's best restaurants.

For our fellow 90's lovers, Weezer, Goo Goo Dolls, and Rob Thomas will all be performing in Nashville during the month of April! Bust out the light wash jeans and your flannel button ups, they're playing our jams!

So whether you are looking to celebrate your love of horror movies, fashion, runningwrestling...whatever! Check out this month's AWESOME APRIL events and get doing.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

the open road

The warm(ish) winds and sunny skies of springtime were practically begging me to go on a road trip. So the opportunity to join my co-worker and friend, Kelsey, on a multi-state journey to celebrate the wedding of another co-worker and friend was not something I could pass up. 

We dubbed our mileage and minutes #boldadventures, a theme inspired by the fortune pictured above from my meal the day before we left town. We shared many laughs (particularly my rendition of Hanson's 'Mmmbop'), tender moments, and new experiences along the way.

While we observed many interesting sights from our car windows, the final destination of our journey was Oklamhoma. Our site-seeing included the National Weather Center (I am a bit of a radar geek), Oklahoma University, and the Oklahoma City National Memorial. It was a striking visual representation of the  instanteous change which took place at 9:02 am that fateful April morning in 1995. 

The obvious highlight of the trip was the blessed union of our dear Betsy and Scott. It was such a treat to celebrate their love with friends and family, rejoicing in the special gift God has giving us through the practice of marriage. A favorite moment of mine was when guests had the opportunity to lay hands on the couple in prayer, commissioning them onward in the quest of Kingdom loving and living. 

The people, the scenery, and the memories of the open road are what makes a trip successful. And this journey was a reminder to me that sometimes you just need to get away, out of your comfort zone, and do something different. Springtime is a season of new life, fresh opportunity, and bold adventures. Embrace it! 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

the west is best

An abbreviated photo journal from a recent trip westward to visit my brother Michael.

1. Dave and I skiing in Vail.  
A BIG thanks to sweet Sunny for the passes!!  And to Emily for the ski gear...
def helped me look somewhat ligit.
2. Sunday brunch with the siblings and Uncle John and Aunt Patty at Mercury Cafe.  
Such a hip spot.  We loved the sweet and savory options, as well as the live jazz improv pianist.
3. Michael and Dave at the farm.  
We fed some pigs, visited with the horses, checked out the bees and fish and watched the elementary school field trip kids learn about worms.
4.  Eating wild game at The Buckhorn Exchange, Denver's original steakhouse. 
Where else can you get elk, duck, yak, buffalo and more?!

Not pictured:
Sherpa House in Golden, CO.  Hands down best Chai...possibly ever!?
Spot bike test drive
Beignets for brunch at Lucile's 
And so, so, SO much more!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

penitent & contrite hearts

Today ushers in a special season in the church calendar, Lent. For many, regardless of affiliation or denomination, it is the annual opportunity taken to focus our hearts, submit ourselves more fully to God's calling, and to deny ourselves things that could pose a hindrance to our self-examination and repentance. As you consider the urging of the Holy Spirit, take a moment, an hour, a day, or a weekend, to separate yourself from the mumblings of the world. Turn you eyes and hearts to readings (such as the excerpt below from The Book of Common Prayer), prayers, music, and/or nature. Listen closely for the whispers of truth that will come your way, and prepare your soul for the transformative power of reflection and silence. 

'Let us pray.

Almighty and everlasting God, you hate nothing you have made and forgive the sins of all who are penitent: Create and make in us new and contrite hearts, that we, worthily
lamenting our sins and acknowledging our wretchedness, may obtain of you, the God of all mercy, perfect remission and forgiveness; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. 

Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return. '

The Book of Common Prayer

Thursday, February 20, 2014

step sing 2014 {the sacred tradition}

"Without tradition, art is a flock of sheep without a shepherd.  Without innovation, it is a corpse."
-Winston Churchill

Participating in traditions allows us to infuse ourselves into a larger past history, while simultaneously allowing us the opportunity to distinguish our present self.  Last weekend, I had the privilege of participating in a Samford University sixty-three-year-old tradition: Step Sing.

I first heard about the infamous Step Sing through a family friend.  He shared whispered accounts of his participation in the legendary singing and dancing competition and the harrowing details of executing a sweepstake wining show. 

Now, I know this sounds totally absurd!  But like any tradition you have been a part of, the participation in something larger than you has a way of creating a bigger-than-life immediate experience and subsequent memory out of that experience.  As a freshman at Samford, I knew that I had to get a taste of Step Sing. 

Students have one month to put together their six minute mash up of a show.  Blood, sweat and tears go into selecting a creative, yet developable theme, choosing the perfect songs to tell your story, choreographing interesting moves including ripples, formations...and then actually practicing everything over and over until you have a seamless performance.  And the reward?   Bragging rights for one year for the one lucky sweepstakes winners.    

I participated in my sorority's show and it was everything I had imagined.  The chills were there and I was hooked!  Unfortunately, I was disappointed to discover fairly quickly that 1. I couldn't sing and 2. I wasn't very coordinated.  Of course these are the two main components of Step Sing!
 I then spent two years on the overall student-run committee that puts on the show.  I enjoyed learning about all the behind-the-scenes work that goes into this beloved campus event.  

This year, I received a call inquiring whether I would be interested in being a part of the judging process.  I loved it!  That is the truest thing about traditions.  When traditions thrive over the years, as a result of what Churchill distinguishes as being able to evolve and inspire innovation, the tradition will always take you back to that magical experience you lived out, while allowing new memories to be made.  

Thursday, February 13, 2014

hello, bombshell

Bombshell Creative and Pure an Organic Salon hosted an amazing Nashville "Ladies Kind Of Night" leading up to Valentine's!  Sarah represented the Lunchbox Buddies and tagged along with two other girlfriends for this clothing swap/complimentary mini make up, hair and mani make-overs/panty decorating/pose station soiree.  

The Pure team pampered ladies with their all natural products to provide up-dos, arm massages, manis, as well as on-trend eye or lip looks.  And, yes, there were samples galore and hourly give aways!!  
Check out our beautiful hair creations on the last two rows below. 

After getting dolled up, the fun was captured by Bombshell Creative Photography in their special v-day pose station.  Between chatting, snacking and bedazzling unmentionables at the "pizzaz your panties" station, there was also a clothing swap component to the evening led by a wardrobe stylist.    

It was a great night out that felt like the best kind of night in.  This was the perfect event to gear up for February 14th.  So whatever your plans, enjoy a special Valentine's Day pampering those you treasure (and, who says you can't start with yourself)!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

we are the champions {of the world}

If you were around in the 90's you know one thing to be true:

Winter Olympics = Figure Skating

And as we reach the final hours of the countdown to Sochi 2014, the Lunchbox Buddies couldn't help but look back at all the exciting and memorable moments from the glory days. The drama of the Kerrigan vs. Harding battle, the elegance of Oksana's Swan Lake performance, and the theatrics of Brian Boitano remain imprinted in our minds and on our hearts. The Olympics have a special way of re-energizing our childhood dreams of floating across the ice, waving gracefully at the crowds, and standing on the medal podium. 

So go get lost in the magic. Let yourself believe that your wildest dreams can come true. The next time you find yourself walking to the mailbox or standing in line at the grocery, take a moment to envision yourself landing the perfect double axel, bringing the audience to their feet. Pick up your flowers. Relish the moment.


Thursday, January 30, 2014

variety{spice of life}

Last night, I participated in one of Nashville's dinnerlab events held at The Anchor Fellowship! contributor Adriana Lopez expressed the recent dinnerlab phenomenon best, 
summarizing the social dining start up as 

And just when I thought I was an adventurous diner...

Ecuadorian Chef Octavio Ycaza busted out seven courses that stretched my 
palate with such "finger-licking" delicacies as beef tripe, fried blood and coconut water 
(that somehow did not taste like water or coconut??!).
A quick aside on tripe.
For those of you who don't know, and in the interest
of protecting your eyes from the google images...
and I quote:
Yep, that about sums it up.

It was a fun evening exploring new flavors with familiar friends.  
If the old adage variety is the spice of life is true, then 
my dinnerlab experience was off the Scoville scale, yo!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

taking care of #1

Tis the season for sickness. It's all over the news: wash your hands, get your flu shot, and cover your mouth when you sneeze. And sometimes, even when you do all those things, you still get sick. When we're sick it's easy to focus on all the negative things that are happening: the social gatherings we couldn't attend, the beautiful weather on the other side of the window, or how disappointed we are that we're missing out on work… well, maybe not that one.

I found myself in a version of that mindset  earlier this week, so, instead of grumbling and complaining about how poorly I was feeling, I decided to embrace the opportunity to comfort and take care of myself. I put on my favorite pajamas, ate my favorite foods (aka Cheetoh Puffs), and made sure that I took my temperature regularly. Wanting something relaxing to watch, I put in Pride and Prejudice, a movie that had come highly recommended to me and that gave me a visual reference to the book I had fallen in love with the previous year.
At the end of the movie I decided that  watching Pride and Prejudice would become a sick day ritual. And so I decided to watch it again. And again. And again. In one day I watched it four times. And that's exactly what sick days are meant to be. Days were we can listen to what needs our body is telling us we have. Sometimes it's rest, which means that we need to go to bed early and sleep in as long as we can. Sometimes it's to drink more fluids or to take medicine. And, in my case, I needed to sit back, relax, and get caught up in a love story (and also blow my nose a lot). So, at whatever point in the winter season you find yourself until the weather, figure out what stirs your heart (like Mr. Darcy stirs mine) and take care of yourself! 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

love the questions

What do you do when you have no answers?  Seems like I rang in 2014 without that still, certain voice of "I know this to be true."  And each little question seems to open the door to more and more questions until my thoughts are just one incredibly long grammatically incorrect run on sentence.

Several friends have graciously listened to my emotional thought vomit over the past couple of weeks and kindly passed along encourging inspiration to my overarching blah-ness.  Topics included a devotion detailing "one of the most remarkable capacities of the human mind...the capacity to direct its own attention to something it chooses..." and an article that begins "Everybody wants what feels good..." and continues to propose to flip this want on its head and dig deeper into "...what pain do you want?  What are you willing to struggle for?  Because that seems to be a greater determinant of how our lives end up."

So with all mulling over of these general themes floating around amongst the specific questions, I have to stop and be still.  I have to stop and be still because, I know truth is found in the stillness.  Once I finally exercised the capacity of my mind to look past these surface questions and dig deeper into the underlying fears driving those questions, then the questions became a conversation. 

What a beautiful evolution!  I am reminded of some sage advice from Rainer Maria Rilke in his Letters to a Young Poet:

"I would like to beg you dear Sir, as well as I can, to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and to try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer."

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Breaking Bread

Lunchbox Buddies celebrated the New Year by breaking bread with old friends. 
Chapter One: January
And now let us welcome the New Year.
   Full of things that have never been.
            -- Rainer Maria Rilke
January, the month of new beginnings and cherished memories, beckons. Come, let winter weave her wondrous spell: cold, crisp, woolen-muffler days, long dark evenings of savory suppers, lively conversations, or solitary joys. Outside the temperature drops as the snow falls softly. All of nature is at peace. We should be, too. Draw hearthside. This is the month to dream, to look forward to the year ahead and the journey within.