Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hey! Unto you a child is born!

{your presence} the greatest present

There is without question a fleeting happiness in unwrapping special goodies on Christmas Day, but I think we all look back and find deep-seeded joy in sharing memories with those dear to us. 

My Dad recently asked me what some of my favorite Christmas memories were.  Special gifts made the list (like in grade school when my hip Aunt sent me the "cool" purse all the other girls were carrying or in junior high when my big Brother sent me the most unique sterling silver ring from his travels to Alaska), but stealing the spotlight were definitely memories of activities and traditions with family and friends.
During the next week, enjoy and bring joy by gifting friends and family with your time building memories and traditions together.  Recently, I wanted to gift some friends and their families holiday cookies.  Rather than just picking up a variety of treats and dropping them off, I invited the ladies over to bake and decorate Christmas cookies.  It was such a fun time catching up, laughing and working together.  At the end of the evening, we all got to take home goodies for our families. 

Your time, your presence, is truly a gift!  And giving of ourselves and being present with our friends and family continues to prepare our hearts to celebrate Jesus, the true gift that fulfills our fleeting longings.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

homespun magic at corrieberrypie

As we continue our countdown to Christmas, the Lunchbox Buddies know you are finishing up your shopping for all those special somebodies.  Last week we featured international gift ideas that give back.  This week we wanted to highlight stateside artisan's handcrafted goods.  

We are thrilled to introduce you to the homespun magic of corrieberrypie.  

We discovered Corrie's etsy site through a co-worker and immediately swooned over her whimsical jewelry pieces.  Whether you are looking for that perfect, unique present or for personal creative inspiration, trust us, you will *love* Corrie!  She has a gift of turning overlooked items into surprising tokens of celebration. 

How did you get started with jewelry?
I've always had the need to create (something...anything!) as far back as I can remember. I've made my own jewelry for years, but when my first child was born it seemed like a fun and easy thing to do from home during all those newborn naps. I've taken breaks from it from time to time to focus on sewing, painting, and drawing. But keep coming back to jewelry making.

How would you describe the style of corrieberrypie items and from where do you draw inspiration?
I make one of a kind (or few of a kind) pieces, incorporating vintage and reclaimed materials as much as possible. I'm inspired by the nuances of nature and romance, the juxtaposition of textures, beauty and function, old and new, etc.

Do you have a favorite item to create?
My favorite thing to do is take apart old pieces and remake them. A bag full of old broken jewelry is like Christmas morning for me. I love a good mixed up necklace, made from a collection of sundries that separately may have been forgettable, but when linked together form a balanced and interesting piece.

Where can we read more about corrieberrypie?
twitter: @corrieberrypie

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

the gift that keeps on giving

December is here, our friends!  While out running errands tonight,  one of the stops had an official "21 days till Christmas" countdown sign right at the entrance.  Like we needed the reminder...
As you brainstorm present ideas, consider gifts with a lasting impact.

Lunchbox Buddies knew exactly where to turn for ideas on gifts that keep on giving.  Our friend and co-worker, Kerbi, has helped launch some pretty phenomenal social enterprises for some wonderful organizations.  Most recently, she is working with Penh Lenh, a jewelry partnership between the Nashville-based anti-trafficking organization Abolition International and Cambodia-based after-care program for girls Transitions Global.  Transitions discovered a need to offer sustainable income opportunities for their high risk girls who have gone through their trafficking rehab program.  And a social enterprise was born!  Penh Lenh's mission is "to empower young women rescued from sex trafficking in Cambodia to pursue their life goals through quality education, vocational training, and advanced career opportunities."

We fell in love with this Watermelon Jade Pkah "Flower" Bracelet ($32.50).  The 2013 Collection includes earring, necklace and bracelet options.  The items are so complimentary, that you'll want to purchase multiple pieces for layering and stacking!  And not only are you gifting a unique present, but you also "support quality restorative care, career opportunities, and a hopeful future for survivors of sex trafficking in Cambodia."

In addition to her recent work with Pehn Lenh, Kerbi also worked to launch Red Earth Trading Company, which partners with Nashville-based Global Support Mission, to empower small businesses in East Africa.  In addition to jewelry, you will also find some accessories and home goods, all artisan-made.  Every purchase from Red Earth creates a "double dose of good."  Not only do the artisan families involved benefit, but the organization gives 5% of every purchase to sustain the community development work of Know Think Act.

For a peek behind the scenes, check out this sound clip
from our interview with Kerbi.

HAPPY gifting...and giving!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

giving thanks

"For all your goodness I will keep on singing,
ten thousand reasons for my heart to find."
-Matt Redman

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

thank you, thank you very much

A fun template for you to use as you let your attitude of gratitude overflow. The Lunchbox Buddies have personalized this picture and distributed it to several of our nearest and dearest. Whether you share it electronically (like we did!) or print it for a neat paper treat, it will be sure to set-off a chain reaction of thanks! 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

capacity for amazement

As the Lunchbox Buddies mindfully seek to soak ourselves in a spirit gratitude, we invite you to join us.  
Explore the big and small things/actions that inspire your heart to sing: words, music, specific times of the day, images, tastes, smells, sensations...

Rabbi Jonathan Lubliner shared a beautiful inference in his blog post entitled "Radical Gratitude":

The playbook of tradition we know as the siddur (prayer book) is filled with gratitude about the most ordinary of miracles: a prayer upon awakening, a blessing for functional body plumbing, a series of benedictions thanking God for the ability to open our eyes, get out of bed, and put on our clothing.  Jewish  law also mandates the recitation of berakhot  (blessings) before and after food and drink of every kind, and has even established benedictions for seeing a rainbow, hearing thunder, witnessing a shooting star, or seeing the ocean for the first time in a long while.   To view this as the product of a religious tradition overburdened with ritual minutiae misses the point — it isn’t about how the poetry of being furnishes an excuse for the recitation of a formula, but how a liturgy of gratitude can help us overcome the numbing effect of the humdrum, the taking for granted that coats our capacity for amazement with indifference.    The blessing isn’t the words, but our capacity to be surprised, as the philosopher Martin Buber once put it; our recognition of the sublime poetry of God’s world in real time. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013


We are taking the month of November to explore gratitude.  Growing up, whenever I started to get whiny about something, my dad would say, "Stop and count your blessings."  Eventually we had a call and response set up where he would cue and I would retort, "I can't count that high!"  I have been thinking about this attitude of gratitude quite a bit.
The holidays are always busy.  We talk about it being a season of hustle and bustle.  It is easy to rush and rush desperately seeking that sense of accomplishment found in completing the big looming checklist and miss the spectacular moments given to us in the interim.
Join the LunchBox Buddies as we intentionally seek to be present and open our hearts and minds to attitudes of gratitude.   

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

'cause we're the Tennessee Titans

Lunchbox Buddies are really taking in the TN sporting events!  Not only have we had the opportunity to see the Predator's play, but we also received tickets to see the Titans play.  Weather was a bit touch and go with several scattered showers.  The highly likely rainy forecast affected the attendance forecast for some: Allison's threshold for sitting in the rain, highly unlikely.  But Sarah was eager to brave the rain for a chance to see her first NFL game.

Although the Titans did not beat the Kansas City Chiefs, the in-stadium experience was phenomenal.  We had great seats and although I enjoyed following the gridiron action, I have never outgrown my favorite part of a live game being the cheerleaders and half time show.  A definite highlight to this game was the TSU Marching Band's half time show!

"Look out football, here we come, Tennessee Titans: number one. Tennessee has the Titans, the greatest football team. We take the ball from goal to goal like no one's ever seen! We're in the air, we're on the ground--always in control. And when you say the Titans, you're talking Super Bowl!Cause we're the Tennessee Titans, Tennessee Titans, Tennessee Titans, number one. Yes, we're the Tennessee Titans, Tennessee Titans, Tennessee Titans, number one!"

brilliance abounds

You officially have 18 days to check out Cheekwood's Bruce Munro exhibit Light, an other-worldly exploration of illumination.  The exhibit is available through November 10th and the botanical garden is offering special extended hours (until 11 pm, yo!) certain weekday evenings.  This late night opportunity affords viewers a special breathtaking perspective of the glowing installations scattered throughout the grounds.  Tickets are $15 for adults, $8 for any students and don't forget to bring along $3 for parking.  If you have some flexibility in your schedule, Friday evenings include live music, as well as drink and dining opportunities.
Click here to save time and purchase your tickets in advance.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

fall {creek falls}

As mentioned back here, my mom and I took a weekend excursion to Fall Creek Falls State Park.  When mom asked what I'd like to do for my birthday this past summer, I mentioned my desire to take a trip with just her.  She immediately shared that she'd love to go see a waterfall.  Living in Nashville the past couple of years, I'd heard several friends rave about the breathtaking falls out in East TN.  The great thing about this particular state park is that it is big.  I mean, really big.  Covering more than 20,000 acres, you can experience those beautiful moments of feeling like you're out in the middle of nowhere.  You know, without being actually out in the middle of nowhere!  Not only do they offer primitive camping, they also have cabin rentals, as well as room rentals in their guest inn.  We opted for the hotel accommodations!  We checked out a handful of their amenities, including onsite dining (who doesn't love a good all-you-can-eat buffet?), paddle boat rentals, game room access and hiking trails.  But they also have fishing, biking trails, horseback riding, boat rentals, swimming, golfing, special events and much more. 
Well, we didn't come that far not to see a waterfall, so we journeyed down the 256 foot trail to the base of Fall Creek Falls.  This namesake boasts to be the highest waterfall in the eastern US.  It was slow and steady hiking due to the fairly steep and rocky grade.  And boy was the trek worth it. We just had to remind ourselves of that as we puffed back up the trail!  If you prefer a more level hike, there are several other falls within the park, including Piney and Cane Creek Falls.  

So if you are around these parts looking for a refreshing getaway, check out Fall Creek Falls.  After all, Southern Living magazine readers voted it the best state park in the southeast!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


More exciting news for Lunchbox Buddies friend, Emily Shackelton-James! Cassadee Pope, winner of Season 3 of NBC's smash hit, The Voice, released her debut solo album, Frame by Frame, Tuesday October 8th. What is most exciting about this fun fact is that Track 11, "Proved You Wrong" was co-written by our very own Emily! In the video below you can hear Cassadee talk about the meaning of the song and how it was her perfect note to end her album on.

The Lunchbox Buddies aren't the only people excited about this track and album, so are the music experts at Rolling Stone! Follow *this link* to read up on what they are saying about Cassadee and our dear Emily Shackelton.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

ROCing in the USA!

fang fingers

Thanks to a special promotion by Bridgestone Arena, the Lunchbox Buddies were able to head downtown to see our Nashville Predators take on the New York Islanders ("sucks!"). It was a special night for us because the tickets were FREE! through a promotion we heard about at work. And you know us... we're always up for a free treat!

While the action on the ice was thoroughly entertaining, it was even more fun to watch and listen to Sarah's reactions to these events. Her surprise when the first punches were thrown less than two minutes into the first period was priceless. Yes, Sarah, they fight. And yes, it's okay.

I am so glad that Sarah was willing to body check her fear of heights to sit with me waaaaaaay up in the top level (they were free seats, afterall). There were only a couple of dicey moments, primarily when Sarah realized that she would have to stop white knuckling the seat in front of her to rise at the singing of the national anthem. I feel confident it felt like the longest demonstration of patriotism she's experienced in quite some time. 

The Preds made it happen, defeating the Islanders ("sucks!") 2 to 0. It was a cool way to spend a Sunday night and get to experience something new together. Keep your eyes and ears open for free events around town that you and your buds can enjoy!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

wipeout weekend

T-minus three days until Funny Hill's participation in Nashville's ROC Race
That's right, this Saturday while Allison is waking up and considering how she won't be getting out of bed just yet (or ever!), I will be cruising around the TN Fair Grounds for the Ridiculous Obstacle Challenge (ROC) 5k with my neighborhood buddies.

ROCNashville13 map Nashville
If you haven't heard about ROC Race, and I quote, "We took a 5k course and combined it with the crazy game show themes from favorites like Wipeout, American Gladiators, Double Dare and MXC."  'Nuff said.  More to follow...if I live to tell the story.  Did I mention there is a belly flop drop??

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What the scrap?!

Well, folks, Summer 2013 is coming to a close. Seriously?!?! Some moments I just can't believe it!
 Just yesterday it seemed like we were bringing out the shorts and tank tops, planning the weekend canoe trips (that one is for Sarah, obviously) and thinking about how we could take advantage of every drop of sunshine these middle months had to offer. And just like the summer season is winding down, so is my 2012 scrapbooking project. The photos have been assembled, the mementoes organized by date, and the handmade elements are almost complete.
As I journeyed through the memories of last year, I couldn't help but see how busy the late summer/early fall time of year was in 2012 and still is in 2013. The picture above gives you just a glimpse of what the Lunchbox Buddies were up to a mere year ago, taking in the sights (*ahem, baseball pants) of the local minor league team, catching some legit tunes at LOTG, and tapping into our theatrical side with Nashville Shakes and a trip to TPAC. And this year is proving to be no different, and that is just the way we like it. Full of laugher, full of activities, full of connection, and full of life. Sarah and I can't wait to share with you what the next few weeks holds for us and hope that your moments of reflection about how you spend your time are as exceedingly good as ours.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

fall{ing} for LA

Oh, Fall, it is nice to hang out again! 
Last year, Allison and I celebrated the beginning of cooler weather with Live on the Green's Thursday night concert series featuring the Alabama Shakes here.
This year I am taking in Local Native's Live on the Green performance with a just-moved-to-town friend, Anna.  She is a big fan and was so excited to catch this free show (did we mention it's free??!!).  After cyber stalking YouTube videos of the band, I have to admit I'm really looking forward to tonight's show. 
Nashville friends, join us for some fun on this beautiful Thursday evening! 
And, Southeastern friends, don't fret!  Local Natives is spreading the love with shows in Birmingham and Atlanta at the end of this month and beginning of October. 
Their music is described by Sarah Bellman for LA Music Blog as
"...understated at times and powerful at others — is the point at which the psychedelic and folk genres intersect. The band calms and provokes their audience both lyrically and melodically, and they consistently deliver music that transports listeners to a beautiful, thought-provoking world."
Click here to read full review of their sophomore album Hummingbird. 

In case you are still in doubt, check out the video below!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

matt & ben

Last Thursday I stumbled upon a poster advertising the upcoming showing of a small play at a local school. This one weekend only special was being presented by Red Quill Productions and students at BelmontUniversity , brining to life a play written by Mindy Kaling  and Brenda Withers. Yes, Mindy Kaling, as in Kelly Kapoor from The Office and Mindy Lahiri from The Mindy Project. What some people may not know is that one of the first breaks Mindy had as a writer was when she and her bff Brenda wrote a two person one act play (which they starred in as well as directed) titled “Matt & Ben.” In her book, Is Everyone HangingOut Without Me?, Kaling describes “Matt & Ben” as “ weird but simple” with a tone “somewhere between the X-Files and The Odd Couple.”  The gist is the story of the Affleck and Damon friendship and how the epic success we know as “Good Will Hunting” might have come to fruition.

Since the opportunity kind of “fell from the ceiling,” I obviously had to attend.  Jenna Pryor (Ben Affleck) and Lauren Knoop (Matt Damon) gave an engaging and entertaining performance as a couple of Boston besties just trying to make the writing/acting thing work. While the setting might have been modest, just like Matt & Ben, Pryor and Knoop had a hit on their hands. What a treat it was for fate to bring me this play, just days after finishing reading Kaling’s book, and give me the chance to see it manifested in front of me. Word to the wise: keep your eyes peeled for unexpected opportunities to present themselves. You never know when something exceedingly good will land in your metaphorical living room floor.  

Thursday, August 22, 2013

something borrowed, something {true} blue

In a previous post here, the Lunchbox Buddies celebrated those unique friendships which are "measured by how long into the future you can look back at the photos...and replay the adventures and the laughter in your head; still feeling like it was one of the "bestest" times of your life."
Well, I am blessed to have a true blue friend who twelve years later
(, our friendship is totally entering middle school?!!)
I can literally
read through old notes passed (I think we single- handedly kept the campus mailman employed),
look at printed pictures taken (because disposable cameras were still a thing),
replay memories made (ummm, like the time our car broke down...and we waited for-ev-er for the tow truck in some serious Alabama heat...and then the kind mechanic shared that the only problem was that cars tend to need gas to run...)
and be humbled beyond belief for the laughter, tears and love. 
Above is a picture of Nat and I eight years ago at my wedding.  There we are, frozen in time, as bright-eyed 21-year-olds ready to take on the world.  I was getting hitched and moving to Boston; she was entering grad school and heading to Denver.  We had met four years earlier as Freshmen at Samford in Birmingham, AL.  So much transpired from that first meeting to this picture.  We were stretched as indivdiuals and as friends.  And so much as happened from this picture to now.

I had Nat by my side on my special day and I was grateful for the opportnity to be there by her side last weekend cheering her on at her own very special wedding ceremony.  When I confirmed my RSVP, Nat's one request was that I make a gift rather than buying one.  The pair of canvases above were crafted for the occasion.  His and Her bookends with corresponding zodiac constellations imprinted with the beautiful lyrics from Dire Straits Romeo and Juliet:
on the left, HIS (Virgo)
A lovestruck Romeo sings the streets a serenade
Laying everybody low with a lovesong that he made
Finds a streetlight steps out of the shade
Says something like you and me babe how about it?
on the right, HERS (TAURUS)
You said I love you like the stars above, I'll love you till I die
And since I didn't include a card in my gift, I hope this post suffices as a little glimpse into the depth of my gratitude for you, true-blue Nat.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

take-out thursday

 The last few weeks have been banana-grams for Sarah and I. We have both been on trips, me to California and Say to Fall Creek Falls (post about that trip in weeks to come!) and have had very busy work schedules. And while we have passed each other in the hallway and exchanged the occasional text message, we haven't really had a chance to just sit down and catch up about not only what has been filling the hours of our days, but also the spaces in our hearts and minds.
So that is what the last two Thursday nights have been for us. Journeys of faith, challenging decisions, and exciting revelations have filled our moments together as we have let friendship simply happen in our midst and be manifested through our actions. The best things in life don't have to be forced. So whether it's an evening spent checking out a new coffee shop, walking around a college campus sharing sentimental memories, or chowing down on some take-out food, our hope is that the you and those closest to you take a step back from the hectic day to day and take notice of the exceedingly good things and people around you.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

the ever sunny days

Cost of living and pretentious tabloid socialites aside, California is a favorite place of mine. Since my journey to Southern California three years ago, the blue skies and effortless breathing of The Golden State have crossed my mind on a daily basis. Thus the reason my heart leapt and my eyes welled with tears when I learned the same dear friend who originally introduced me to California would be the catalyst for our reunification. 

Our days were saturated with Napa Valley vineyards, orchards at Hurley Farms, Sausalito, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Muir Woods; each with their own charm and beauty. Sights I had only observed on the silver screen were alive and vibrant around me. 

The culmination of the trip was the beautiful union of Kaitlin and her groom, Dave. No setting other than wine country could have more perfectly matched the class and grace of this couple and their commitment to one another. As we gathered around the table to share communion, I was overwhelmed with the divine nature of these moments. We were witnessing and playing part in the message of Christ; the sacrifice of His life through the breaking of bread, and the union between Him and his bride, the Church. I believe it was evident to each witness that the love we observed and experienced in that place was perfectly ordained by Love himself.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

bringing bonnets back

My dear friend Emily and I attended the Greater Louisville Jane Austen Society's 6th Annual Jane Austen Festival back on Saturday, July 20th.  I mean, really...who does not want to sip out of dainty china during a high tea, promenade the evening away at a ball, don ribboned regency attire or cast a vote in the Mr. Darcy look a like contest?!  In addition to these events, there were also special nods celebrating the bicentennial anniversary of Pride and Prejudice throughout the two day weekend extravaganza.
Em and I perused the colorful booths that offered rolls of fabrics and assorted patterns, pre-made clothing, period-specific toys, antique trinkets and loose leaf tea.  Our favorite booth, Bingley's Teas, featured their Jane Austen Tea Series in which each custom flavor was named after a famous novel character.  To give you a taste:
The "Mr. Darcy" product description
Like the man himself, this elegant, dark tea, grown in rich soil, with a bold beginning yet a smooth finish has a complexity of character that will leave you wishing to know more.
Distinctive notes of leather, chestnut and plum in this well respected Da Hong Pao Oolong. Each steeping introduces you to more of it's character.

 We had such a fun time romping around the historic Locust Grove property and being swept away in Austenland. 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

off the wall

The official ground breaking has happened for my dollhouse labor of love mentioned here.  After trips to Home Depot and Michaels, I was equipped with the tools needed to begin the detailed assembly. 
 The (pages and pages of...) directions adamantly specified how crucial it is to lay out and label all parts before beginning.  Now, although I like to think I subconsciously made the connection that the images in the instructions were not drawn to scale, I have to admit it took me about 30 minutes to sort through all the pieces comparing parts until I finally matched up the printed image and the raw parts?!  Let's just say, if this had been an IQ test...well, let's just not say.
 Thankfully all parts needed for Step 1: Wall Assembly were accounted for. I learned some new info, like wood wall pieces have "tongues" and they point up.  Also, apparently a little tacky glue goes a long way (ps: for "the more the merrier" types like me, you can wipe excess glue away with a damp paper towel!).   
 Wall A is drying like a boss.  Stay tuned for doll house happenings*

Thursday, July 11, 2013

more than words

Heart-felt cards can be the sweetest gift.  I recently celebrated a birthday and was overwhelmed with the kind words shared by friends and family.  Ever since I was a little girl, my mom encouraged me to keep a memory box of keepsakes.  I love re-visiting these sacred items: worn friendship bracelets, yearbook pictures with inscriptions, notes passed in class, school newspaper clippings, love letters, movie stubs, chotchkies from various adventures.  As I've gotten older, I've noticed that I treasure words more than trinkets.

The next time you are thinking of a special someone, rather than allowing your attention to be a fleeting thought, sit down and write a letter.  Cement those feelings on paper.  What a treat to gift a message that can be retained and re-read for continued encouragement.   

"Letters are among the most significant memorial a person can leave behind them." 
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Thursday, July 4, 2013

just can't wait to get on the road again

Every summer should include some sort of road trip.  Nothing is sweeter than time together in a car sans personal electronic devices.  You know, except finally making it to your destination and getting out of the car!  But seriously, no matter how short or long the trip, having that time to just share stories, listen to old burned CDs, drink copious amounts of Mountain Dew, whatever to help pass the time...those moments always seem to be as vivid as the treasured memories made at your final destination.

The Lunchbox Buddies took a recent drive down south to Montgomery, AL.  We made a couple stops along the way.  It's always a treat to map out a route that offers fun exits with more than a somewhat functioning bathroom at a shifty gas station.  Birmingham, AL held time to visit with family.  Allison was able to meet the newest member of the Birmingham bunch.  It also houses Dreamland BBQ and I can tell you, it ain't bad.  After Birmingham was a pit stop in Clanton, AL.  Clanton is in Chilton County, which is famous for their peaches, beauty queens and interstate exit fruit stands.  After the scenic tour of the giant peach water tower and some ice cream at Durbin Farms ("where life's a peach..."), it was onward to Montgomery.  We stayed with my family and enjoyed a lazy weekend of playing dominoes and cards, watching old movies and tv shows and squeezing in a couple of visitor must-dos, including a visit to the art museum, romping around the grounds of a historic country church and taking in a Biscuit's game at the Biscuit Basket, Montgomery's minor league baseball stadium.  Check out the video below of pictures from our time in the Heart of Dixie.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

making progress

Scrapbooks really are all about documenting life from a certain perspective, right? This concept rang true for me while I was contemplating what I could do to customize my cover with drawings and cut-outs, and it was easy for me to think of a way to make this idea unique to me because of one of my little personality quirks. Since I was in the third grade I have wished for glasses, and by the time I finished college, I had begun collecting a tiny arsenal of fun frames with plastic lenses (it was also great timing because the hipster movement was just beginning). So I took to my magazines and started clipping! I can't wait to see how this theme develops as I finish the cover and add the final touches to the pages,

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Imagine an idyllic country trail of rolling hills...
that leads to all-you-can drink RC Cola products
(yes, I will help myself to another Sun Drop)
and all-you-can eat Moon Pies
(don't mind if I do)!

Last Saturday my big sis and I participated in Bell Buckle, TN's 18th Annual  RC Cola and Moon Pie Festival's 10 mile run.  Can't think of a better way to spend a Saturday morning!  It was so special to have that 2+ hours to amble along chatting about life, laughing about old memories, smelling the sweet summer scents of the country and attempting a jog every now and then.

The race kicked off the festival, which featured bluegrass, barbecue, clogging, games, crafts...cutting of the world's largest moon pie!!  So if you missed the festivities this year, go ahead and mark your calendars for next year.  This is another great free, fun-for-the-whole-family event you don't want to miss!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

*the world's like a science and I'm like a secret

I do not even have words to begin expressing my gratitude to Sarah for this special gift. I so enjoyed the beautiful setting, the talented entertainment, but, most of all, I treasured this special time with my dear friend. Her selflessness continues to astound me and I hope to be more like her each day God gives me. 

But if you checked this post to hear about the concert and not read mushy stuff about me and Say... Here ya go: First of all, M. Ward. Seriously talented dude whom I could listen to and look at for days on end. Second, Zooey D. is even more petite in person than she appears on screen. The voice, personality, and look was all there... the girl is super talented! Next, instruments were flying all across the stage! Ok, not literally flying, but there were as many as 6 different instruments being played at any one time and almost everyone exchanged or swapped instruments in between songs. Cray! Lastly, background vocalists. Let's just say one of them had really long arms and really flat affect. 

In sum, it was a stellar night. Pick up She & Him on iTunes by getting any of their albums (Volumes 1-3), or if you want to beat the rush and get in the holiday spirit, download their Christmas album. Check out one of the singles from their new album *here*

Thursday, June 6, 2013

and it moves us all

Take every single thing you have heard about the stage performance of The Lion King: every description of the stellar singing, the captivating dancing, the creative costume design, and the breathtaking set and animal presentation… formulate in your mind what an incredible experience that must be. Then, once you have your head wrapped around that, multiply it times infinity and let your brain explode.

The anticipation was almost more than my sister, Candice, and I could handle. Our dinner conversation was sprinkled with questions like, “I wonder if they’ll perform ‘I Just Can’t Wait to be King?’” and “What do you think all the animals will look like?” I was so excited that, when we were walking into the lobby, I realized I forgot the tickets in the backseat of the car and had to send a valet back to retrieve them.  Both Candice and I compulsively checked our cell phones every 45 seconds while we sat in our seats, eagerly anticipating the moment when the lights would dim and a long awaited hush would fall across the crowd.

And then it happened.

When the darkness was broken by the solitary spotlight, every eye in the room was drawn to Rafiki, who immediately sent goose bumps cascading over every living creature in the room with the beginning chant to “Circle of Life.” As she was progressively joined by other singers, the curtain lifted, a bright golden sun began to rise in the center of the stage. And as the first giraffe gracefully glided into view, I started crying. Just as I was overwhelmed with emotion, the stage soon became overwhelmed with birds, elephants, antelopes, cheetahs, and, of course, lions. After the presentation of Simba, the anthem ended and the crowd, for lack of a more appropriate word, roared.

I could sequence letter after letter in attempts to describe the happenings of that glorious experience, but I would fail to create a single word that did the moments within the show justice. In many ways, it was a childhood dream come true and the manifestation of an innocent imagination’s hopes. I am so grateful to have shared the magical evening with Candice and thankful to our mom for giving us those tickets as such a special gift.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

let the countdown begin...

Photo: I am SO excited to announce that "Late Bloomer" will be released on iTunes on June 4th!  I can't wait to share my very first record with all of you!

In T minus 5 days, Late Bloomer will be released on iTunes!  The (obsessed to infinity) Lunchbox Buddies cannot wait for this digital release of Emily Shackelton's debut album.  We got our hands on the CD release of this work and thankfully, come June 4th, we can stop taking that extra spin around the block...for the 30th time...solely to have a listen "one more time" before parking.  Seriously, it was becoming a problem.   
This project has been a long time coming for Emily.  You may remember us offering a sneak peak of one of the album's stunners Come Out here.  Rest assured, no one is pulling a "movie trailer" on you.  You know, where you go see a movie because the trailer is just so-oh good that you can't stand it, but then about 15 minutes in you suddenly realize you've already seen the best this movie has to the 1 minute trailer.  Well, this is not that.  This whole album is the real deal!  We literally wish we could pick a favorite track, but there is a concrete refusal to lean on one or two singles.  Instead the tracks are fiercely independent with stand alone street cred in their piercingly intimate themes and meticulously distinct production.  Yet somehow organically those distinctions collectively unify the songs into a breathtaking body of work.
Follow Emily on Twitter and friend her on don't want to miss the things blossoming for this Late Bloomer.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

rollin' on the river

The luxury of longer "after work" hours pre-sunset, Memorial Day plans involving outdoor activities and bbq, the smell of fresh cut grass...summer is in the air!  I kicked summer off last weekend Funny Hill style at Coosa River Fest.  We trekked down to Wetumpka, AL to enjoy 3 days of camping, paddling and bluegrass.  Highlights included drizzly day boating, late night bonfire chats, words of wisdom from The River Warrior, and Hot Rod Todd winning the grand prize raffle and taking home a kayak!!!  

Rolling, rolling, rolling on the river
If you come down to the river
Bet you gonna find some people who live
You don't have to worry 'cause you have no money
People on the river are happy to give

Thursday, May 9, 2013

with love,

"'My child, the troubles and temptations of your life are beginning, and may be many; but you can overcome and outlive them all, if you learn to feel the strength and tenderness of your Heavenly Father as you do that of your earthly one. The more you love and trust Him, the nearer you will feel to Him, and the less you will depend on human power and wisdom. His love and care never tire or change, can never be taken from you, but may become the source of lifelong peace, happiness, and strength. Believe this heartily, and go to God with all your little cared, and hopes, and sins, and sorrows, as freely and confidingly as you come to your mother.'
Jo's only answer was to hold her mother close, and, in the silence which followed, the sincerest prayer she had ever prayed left her heart, without words; for in that sad, yet happy hour, she had learned not only bitterness of remorse and despair, but the sweetness of self-denial and self-control; and, led by her mother's hand, she had drawn nearer to the Friend who welcomes every child with a love stronger than that of any father, tenderer than that of any mother. " Little Women 

Reese's {falling to} Pieces

Thursday, May 2, 2013

fiesta forever

Lunchbox Buddies got a head start on our Cinco de Mayo celebration with dinner at Taco Mamacita.  Patio seating was in order and as we relished another Nashville sunset, we reminisced about last year's St. Patrick's Day festivities.  Allison has historically celebrated, an average of 3.5 holidays annually.  Needless to say, Cinco de Mayo has never made the cut.  I, on the other hand, celebrate roughly 15+ holidays annually, including a TBD day'o'Sarah.  Of course, I was excited to share more about the community happenings in honor of this Sunday, including Cinco de Bike-O on the East Side and, to the West, the Sylvan Park Cuatro de Mayo Block Party

So whether your DIY style involves concocting the perfect margarita or papier-mâché-ing a colorful pinata, we wish you a weekend where the salsa tastes as good to the mouth as it feels to your hips.